Everything we've patched so far


  • Bugfix: When continuing in endless mode after a boss fight an issue could cause the camera to be off (ship not centered)
  • Bugfix: There’s been a couple of seconds after defeating the boss during which you could still die, resulting in a broken game state
  • Bugfix: Fixed a possible crash relating to the credits screen
  • Bugfix: 1.04 caused BGM tracks to stop playing when they should loop


  • Bugfix: Between 1.03 and 1.04 we did a silent hotfix that fixed the phase patterns of the boss alien in singleplayer. The fight is now significantly more eventful, especially in higher difficulties.
  • Bugfix: The stability of starting rematches during multiplayer has been improved, potentially fixing an issue where players would get stuck on the “Waiting for other players” screen.
  • Bugfix: A small number of players were experiencing a crash related to opening the settings menu during a run. Unfortunately we were not able to reproduce this crash at any point and therefore cannot test it. For any affected players, please let us know if you are still experiencing this issue.
  • Translation: Missing strings added to DE translation


  • Improvement: Originally, the next level / difficulty was unlocked simply by beating the previous one once. Now, a certain harvest score (in standard mode) or clear time (in speed mode) will be required to unlock the next level. The exact requirement will be visible ingame. This is to ensure that players have a certain level of minimum experience before being thrown into the next difficulty.
  • Improvement: Added labels in level selection screen indicating the expected difficulty
  • Improvement: Nicer positioning for the large control scheme tooltip in the settings UI
  • Improvement: Added a line of description explaining how the availability of the panic boost ability is indicated
  • Bugfix: There was an UI issue with opening the Controls screen (Escape, Start) during a multiplayer match


  • Feature: Alternative control scheme added. It can be chosen in the game settings and can be used with either Keyboard or Gamepad as input device. This allows you to change classic Asteroids controls to making the ship angle towards your actual input direction. Please also note that the Photon Thrusters upgrade can drastically increase the ship’s maneuverability and therefore affect the feeling of control. The new control scheme is limited in that you cannot actively use the backwards thrusters like you could with Asteroids-like controls. However, if you attempt something close a 180° turn, the ship will still utilize the backwards thrusters in an optimal way.
  • Bugfix: Endless mode scores displayed the total harvest of the run rather than just what’s been harvested in endless mode
  • Translation: Various strings added and typos fixed


  • Bugfix: Boss enemy could take damage during its spawn sequence
  • Bugfix: Endless mode option was missing when already having played endless mode in this session
  • Bugfix: Endless mode scores displayed the total time of the run rather than just the time spent in endless mode


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