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ROIDERS is one of the first releases of our little newly founded indie studio Melonic Games.

Depending on your play style it can get pretty fast paced and brutally challenging - so be warned, this is not something where you can just churn through the levels in a day. 😁

There’s a bunch of game modes. In any mode you loot gems from shattered asteroids that are used to upgrade your ship (there’s various upgrades with distinct effects to choose from, allowing for a mix of viable builds and strategies).

In single player you battle waves of alien attackers until their boss spawns. There’s standard mode where you try to get a highscore, speed mode where you try to clear the level as fast as possible, and endless mode where you can just mow through asteroids and aliens to kill time. Nothing carries over across runs, except that you unlock harder levels if you manage to meet the requirements.

And then there’s a multiplayer mode where you can battle your friends, too. 🙂



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